Useful Information

Career Resources

O*NET green resource page provides an overview of 12 sectors, including transportation, energy, construction, agriculture and others.

Browse green occupations in 12 sectors. Occupational information has vast detail on needed skills, knowledge as well as links to jobs and wage information.

Jobs, the Economy and the Environment

The movement linking the environment to the economy is getting stronger. Here are two organizations at the forefront:

Green For All was the first organization to link jobs, the environment and equity. They have many resources and campaigns; check out  I am the green economy for case studies of workers doing good, green work!

The BlueGreen Alliance unites America’s largest labor unions and its most influential environmental organizations to identify ways today’s environmental challenges can create and maintain quality jobs and build a stronger, fairer economy.

Facing a Changing Climate

Climate change is one of the primary drivers of our growing sustainable economy. is building an international climate movement to curb greenhouse gas emissions equitably.

Coping with a Coming Climate Change

In the face of climate change and ecological disruption, individuals and communities require resiliency. Here are several organizations and resources that provide information and activities to build resilience.

Transition Network is a charitable organisation whose role is to inspire, encourage, connect, support and train communities as they self-organise around the Transition model, creating initiatives that rebuild resilience and reduce CO2 emissions. Building from the notable Totnes Transition Town Model, these folks are helping communities all over the world.

Joanna Macy
Joanna is an eco-philosopher and her work, particularly The Great Turning, is about creating a shift to a life-sustaining civilization. She has multiple experiential tools on her Web site

Tools and Resources to Use with Learners

ABE Clean Energy Ambassadors Curriculum Resource Guide

The Clean Energy Ambassadors Curriculum Resource Guide is a collection of materials, lessons and activities that adult educators can use to integrate clean energy concepts into their curricula. The guide was initially developed for adult educators from eight Massachusetts ABE programs participating in the ABE Clean Energy Ambassadors Project, funded with a Workforce Capacity Grant from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center and additional support from World Education, Inc.

Featured Resource:

ONet, built around a massive database of occupations, categorizes jobs, including as green jobs. You can browse green occupations in 12 sectors. Occupational information has vast detail on needed skills, knowledge as well as links to jobs and wage information. When you’re browsing, click on the green leaf icon. ONet codes occupations as green using this symbol  . Clicking gets you to information about the ways that occupation is considered green.